A Conversation for H2G2 London Autumn meet 2007 - Saturday 20th October 2007

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 41

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

What's actually on at Somerset House then?

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 42

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

A variety of things:


Very museumy, but interesting...

I have no qualms about going, but then I've never been, and the building and architecture from a photographic point, of view works for me anyway...

Having said that, the Butterfly collection at the NHM or the numismatic collection at the Royal Mail Museum:


would keep me occupied...

As long as you guys are content, and as I live here, and can do it any time, I do not mind...

Friday afternoon I am hitting:


It has got to be done!!!

smiley - biggrin

I'll let you know the outcome!


smiley - musicalnote

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 43

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


smiley - drool

smiley - bluebutterflybut I understand that wouldn't appeal to everyonesmiley - orangebutterfly

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 44


Well, my very dear friends.

That would be wonderful. I think that it is reasonably easy to get to Somerset House from Charing Cross. I hope there is an entrance on the ground floor.

I look forward with the greatest pleasure to meeting you all and having an afternoon in London.

Thank you for being so understanding and making the month the greatest month that I have had for a long time.

You will tell us what time to meet please MMF please.

Dancing in my W.C!!

Christiane.smiley - bubbly

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 45

Moving On

smiley - biggrin

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 46

Wilma Neanderthal

Wonderful. We all look forward tot he day, Christiane smiley - ok

(that is your wheelchair you're dancing in, right? smiley - winkeye)

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 47


Yes me dear!

I should have put a / between W/C

Oh dear.

Long past my sell by date am I !!

CME smiley - bubbly

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 48

Wilma Neanderthal

*stamps a new date on Christiane*

smiley - biggrin

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 49

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Looking for new career at Kwiki-Mart?

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 50

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - ok Folks, we've another vote coming up!

What time would you like to meet up?

Vote A for 12:00


Vote B for 13:00

Vote now!

smiley - cheers


smiley - musicalnote

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 51

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I think I'm still going to The Soane's.

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 52

Wilma Neanderthal

... Harrods. Christiane is quality goods, puh-leez smiley - rolleyes

smiley - biggrin

MMF, I may have to meet you all a little later (where have you heard this before smiley - winkeye). I may need to meet a friend of the Paris train at Waterloo at 2 first. I will let you know though smiley - ok

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 53

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I haven't a hope in h*ck of being there that early, sorry.

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 54

Moving On

I'll be arriving at Victoria Coach Station at noon - and I've offered to meet 2 Legs and get the pair of us to Holborn

Tell me roughly where and when you want to meet and I'll work round you

But I have to be back at Victoria by 5.45 at the very latest in order to get home. So I'm sorry, you'll have to get really drunk without mesmiley - sadface

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 55

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

That sucks, I wasn't really expecting to leave the Soane's til 5 ish.

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 56


Sorry MMF I had already hit the hay when you asked us for the time.

I think that 1 p.m. i.e. B would be easier. I have to get from Charing Cross Station to Somerset House. It looks very close as one comes into the station from across the river. I hope that it is.

I have just had a lovely talk to my daughter in Perth OZ. She is having a DOUBLE knee replacement tomorrow My goodness I do not know how she even considers it. For years she has comforted me about my various ops and now I have to live through her having them. I would rather be having it!!.

Looking forward to meeting those of you who will come to Somerset House. I thought that it was Galaxy Babe and myself who had voted for it. I remeber reading about it somewhere. Isn't it also where all the records of everyone in England dead and alive are kept. !!

Going to go back to bed.


Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 57

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Evadne Cake, don't include me in your plans, I'm already being met, thank you very much anywaysmiley - ok

Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 58


Dear Galacy Babe,

In post 26 it gives our two names as being in favour of Somerset House.

I get upset when I see that so many problems arise about my coming. It would really be good to meet you and to resolve what problems you might have with me. If I have offended you at any time I really apologise.

Life is so short and this is such a wonderful site and has been so good to me. Surely we can be friends.

Very sincerely,


Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 59

Wilma Neanderthal

Christiane? I think perhaps you misunderstood something? Galaxy Babe and I can't be there then because she has kindly offered to help me with my friend. I don't think she meant she did not want to meet with you... I am sure she will be in here as soon as she can to say exactly that. I thought her last post was just a courtesy to let Evadne Cake know that she will not be there at the same time.

We are all friends smiley - hug


Possible afternoon events for the 20th October Meet

Post 60


Thank you so much Wilma.

I thought that you were also going to be at Somerset House!

My friend has just come in. Apparently there is an Art Exhibition in Regents Park as from today called the

I think it would be nice for K. and I to go this weekend.

Thank you for writing so kindly . Christiane.

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