Ramsgate, Kent - Overview.

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Is a coastal town that probably conjures up seaside holidays for most, with visits to the beach, ‘Kiss-Me-Quick’ hats, sticks of rock, guest houses, or maybe just a staging post for a visit to Europe. So is that all there is?

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Ramsgate is situated on the south-east coast of the County of Kent in an area called the Isle of Thanet, (OS grid reference TR382648.). Thanet is situated on a headland of chalk cliffs, rising to 180 feet in the north-east, which is technically still an island. It is bounded by the River Wantsum to the west, the Stour to the south and the English channel north and east. West and south of it is marshland for many miles. which was created during the the end of the chalk creating period around 65 million years ago, and this area subsided, while Thanet and Dover where uplifted. There followed a period of sedimentation, which created the famous Thanet Beds in the vicinity of the rivers, which can be seen clearly at Pegwell bay, just south of Ramsgate.

Certain sections of the cliff have been eroded, and the main towns of Thanet have sprung up there, namely Ramsgate, Dumpton and Broadstairs.

The first reference to the town of Ramsgate is as Hraefn's ate, translated as cliff gap, probably identifying the Anglo-Saxon influence in Kent. This can be found in many placenames in Kent, as well as the County symbol, a white horse, perceived as the emblem of Hengist and Horsa, on a red background and the Motto 'Inicta. In 1225 the town is known as Ramisgate, or Remmesgate, and Ramesgate in 1357.

St Laurence.

St Lawrence is the earliest recorded hamlet in Ramsgate, whose church, St. Laurence, was founded in 1062 by the Manstons of Manston Court, as a chapel to the mother church of Minster-in-Thanet. It was primarily built as a refuge and fought against the raiding Danes and was a nave (as shelter to the local population), a tower (to repel attackers) and the apse for Communion. The monks from Minster Monastery would conduct the services for which the congregation would stand or kneel, as there was no seating. The Church's name does not come from the Parish, but from St. Laurentius (meaning Laurelled), Archdeacon of Rome. He was one of the seven deacons martyred under the persecution of Roman Emperot Valerian in 258AD. The weather vane atop of the tower depicts the mechanism of his martyrdom, a gridiron, under which a fire was banked and to which he was tied. He is quuoted as sdayying at the time "Assum est, inquit, versa et manduca: "This side's done turn me over and have a bite. The gridiron also has the letters S and L upon it. The southwest porch and aisles either side of the nave were added by Richard De Manston (a village outside Ramsgate) in 1175. At the same time the pillars of the tower were carved, and depict the casting out of the Demon of Paganism. On the north is a demon leering at the praying clergy. The south shows the demon being rebuked by an angel. Another depicts a bridled demon, while the pillar nearest the entrance depicts the exit of the demon making a ghastly grimace. Obviously not happy. The St. Thomas Becket and St. Catherine of Alexandria chapels on either side of the chancel, were added between 1220 and 1225. St Lawrence became a parish church, with it's own graveyard, in 1275.

In 1350 the roof was raised while, in 1439, Nicolas manston increased the tower height to 108 feet. A later addition to the church was the for dialled clock on the tower in 1888 when the church had a major restoration. As other entries in the Ramsgate guide will point out, the majority of the important and/or famous/infamous residents of Ramsgate and its environs are interred here, or have memorial tablets on the walls of the church.

One of the more important memorials is of Lady Augusta Murray, wife of HRH Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex and 6th son of King George III, on the north aisle wall.

Between 1850 - 1870 a major restoration project, including major alterations were performed. The west window was enlarged and reglazed with the glass currently in situ. The pews and galleries were removed and the choir stalls were added to the chapel and the organ was incorporated into the Manston Chapel. Around this time the current Lecturn and pulpit were installed. The font is more recent. In 1880 the Vicar finally received a Vicarage

Recent additions are sombre in their aspect. In the main porch are two memorials commemorating the Great war, and the Parish war memorial is situated in the churyard close to St. lawrence high street.

The church is 108 feet long and 54 feet wide. in 1615 it is known there were 5 bells, some dating back to the 12th century, with two new treble bellsd having been added in 1924.

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