A Conversation for The h2g2 Post Recipe

Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 1


I've always beena fan of that Roger Miller...

Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 2

Mu Beta

Are you insinuating that it should be spelled with an 'a', cheeky?

A fallacy, sadly. I think the tabloids started spelling it like that to avoid Cameroon-footballer-sixties-MOR-singer confusion.


Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 3


Well, it *is* spelt with an A in the article, i were just being silly.

I was fairly certyain the odd spelling was original but then, i don't know. Apparently he may have been older than the 42 he claimed to be when he scored in the 94 world cup. The Cameroonian footballer that is, not the singer.

Cameroon swings like a pendulum do
Lentils on bicycles two by two
Chorizo sausage, the tin of chick peas
The rosy red cheeks are master B's

See, i told you- just me being slightly silly.

Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 4

Mu Beta

Are you ratted?

At 7 in the evening?


Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 5


Heavens, what would make you think that?

No, no, no, I'm just sleep-deprived and overly-caffeinated smiley - online2long

Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 6

Post Team

smiley - rofl

shazz smiley - thepost

Sailors for rail or trent...

Post 7


*hands on hips*

And what are *you* laughing at?

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