Evil Races

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Introduction: Orcs are a tribal creature, closely related to Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds and Bugbears, although single Orcs can occasionally be encountered in the wilds.

Appearance: Orcs are middle sized goblinoid race, they are of a similar height to, but generally slightly shorter than, Elves. They are stronger and faster than Goblins, but not as strong as their Bugbear or Hobgoblin relatives. Orcs appear particularly disgusting, even for a goblinoid race, because their colouration. They have brown or brownish green skin with a bluish sheen. This highlights their pinkish snouts and ears. They have bristly hair, a dark brown or black in colour, sometimes with tan patches.

Habitat: They live in many areas, most live in caves and tunnels. Some, however live in towers and keeps, or in dark forests. Like all goblinoids Orcs disslike bright sunlight and prefere dark dingy places for a home.

Dark Elves (Drow):

Introduction: The Drow are also known as Drow Elves, Shadow Elves and Dark Elves. They are closely related to the surface elves, or Fairie as the Drow call them.

Appearance: In apearance they are about 5' tall and have dark, almost black (and sometimes blue..nicknamed smurfs), skin and white, or very pale (or, rarely, extremely dark), hair. They normally are slim in build.

Habitat: The Drow live in the tunnels, known as the Underdark, which form a mazelike latice under the surface of the world. Some other races do the same thing in this world with dwarves, goblins, gnomes and many other races. The Drow did not always live thus. Once they lived with their relatives the surface elves. However something happened which sundered the two races and the Drow were overpowered by their cousins and forced to flee into the Underdark, where they have founded huge underground cities. The exact cause of the sundering is unknown, although both races undoubtedly know the details they are both loath to speak of it


Introduction: The Definitive Goblinoid

Appearance: Goblins normally have skin ranging from yellow through a dull orange to a brick red. They are normally bald, but older goblins may have very fine whispy hair.

Habitat: Like almost all Goblinoids, Goblins live in tribes, the strongest ruling the rest. Goblins enjoy dwelling in dismal surroundings. Although they tend to inhabit caves and similar underground places in preference to any habitation above ground, they hate full daylight.


Introduction: A form of Goblinoid. They are one of the larger goblinoids.

Appearance: Bugbears have skin of light yellow to yellow brown, normally a dull yellow. Their hair ranges in color from a dull tan colour to brick red.

Habitat: Bugbears are typically found in the same areas as goblins. Unlike their smaller cousins, however, they operate equally well in both bright daylight and great darkness and are as likely to choose a home above ground as they are to live underground.


Introduction: A form of Goblinoid. They are one of the larger goblinoids.

Appearance: Hobgoblins are, while taller than Orcs, shorter than Bugbears. They are aproximately 5" tall and have angular features. They have skin of light yellow-green to rich turquoise. Their distinct appearance and name come from their mixed herritage. The original Hobgoblings were the ofspring of Hob slaves which had been defiled by their Bugbear masters. Their hair ranges in color from a dark tan colour to pitch black, the latter being the most common.

Habitat: Hobgoblins are typically found living in caves avove ground and ocasionally in forrests, however they have also been known to inhabit the same areas as goblins. Unlike their purebred cousins, however, they prefere to live in daylight although they can cope with darkness albeit less well than the other goblinoids.


Introduction: Kobolds are a small Goblinoid race. They are small, they are, on average, smaller even than Goblins

Appearance: Kobold skin runs from a very dark rusty brown to a blackish brown. They, like most Goblins, have no hair.

Habitat: The society of these creatures is tribal, like Goblins. The stronger tribes also rule weaker ones. Kobolds are usually found in dank, dark places such as dismal overgrown forests or subterranean settings. They hate bright sunlight, not being able to see well in it, but their night vision is excellent.

Iksar (Lizardmen)

Introduction: The Iksar, aka Lizardmen, are a formidible race. Iksars are extremely evil, not even liking races that have the same ideal as they do. It is very difficult to win a battle against this race as they have military training since they were infants.

Appearance: The Iksar are completely covered in scales. Granting them increased regenerative abilities as well as increased defense. There scales are green colored or lightly tan. There tail standing in at around 3'. They stand in about 6' to 7' feet in heighth and are a extremely powerful foe in person against person battles. There teeth are sharp and pointed.

Habitat: The Iksar live near a water source, having the water go through their city, Iksari. They are very good swimmers. The city even looks evil with spikes and curves remenicent of the demonic. Strangely ancient Iksar settlements have been found, occasionally still inhabited. These ancient settlement however tend to be very angular in design, including great stepped pyramids. A great many have also been the site of great battles, often leading to the destruction of vast swathes of their jungle home and their own cities. This may be the cause of their hatred and distrust of other races


Introduction: A powerful race. Ogres are fighters by trade and can can really do harm to themselves when they cast spells. They are the strongest and most naturally powerful of all the races.

Appearance: They are around the height of 7' to 9'. Their whole body is extremely bulky filling out with muscles upon muscles...There faces most of hte time look mangaled to all other races.

Habitat: Ogres live in camps. They have never set up any proper cities. Communities have never formed. The Ogres still staying with a tribal life style, the strongest being the tribal leader.

Thu Undead:

The undead are not in and of them selves evil and so are not detailed explicitly here. They include such creatures as Vampires, Wights, Wraiths, Gouls, Flesh Golems (like Frankenstein's monster), Werewolves, Zombies, The Lyche Lords and Mummies

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