The Life and Times of Polonius Franc
Created | Updated Nov 2, 2004
Class: Green
Upage: U170904
Familiar: Timmy, Guard Parrot
Appearance: Short, dumpy man in tweeds and tartan. A bushy moustashe.
Extra Abilities: Stalwort, and keeps Timmy active at all times.
Weapons:Wand, Crossbow
Armor: Light Armor (brass plate under the tweed)
Apage: No longer a practicing magical warrior, sells off lifetime magic inventory. Enjoys travel, shies away from battle, and will trade an item for information (mainly to sell later).
What can be said about sixty years in the field? Being born in China to a Greek mother and a French father is strange enough without also being born with the gift of magic. I trained and served as a healer mage in the Orient after leaving the Imardin Magicians Guild after an incident involving the love of a necromancer. Another thing that bugs me is that no-one seems to remember me aiding in the construction of Outpost Versx, High Lord Craxus taking all the credit. I was very annoyed, both by his using use of the spell books (Inscription in one: To the newest leader of the Magicians Guild. May these books guide you into the healing universe of old. These books contain the knowledge of every major healer from the beginning of the magical realm. Keep these safe, and they will teach you... P.F.) I gave him and by this infernal Imortality Spell cast on my shoulders with a bizzar tweed side-effect. Because of this, I have established an independant magic shop that sells rule-bending charms, spells, potions, and ingredients. I also have a private spell library hidden in the shop (but no one shall ever find it!). And don't thinking about stealing anyone of my inventory: I have enchanted the shop to turn theives into bottles of ink (class denoting ink colour).
I have a familliar named Timmy. He has been my faithful servant for many years and acts as my eyes and ears (and sometimes my bankbook) when I am not around. Timmy is bright red with yellow bands on his wind feathers. He is very intelegent and can carry great weights.
Timmy tends to my shop while I spend my days making deals and searching for precious ingredients.
Recently, I have rejoined the Guild, helped to establish a base camp on Yurik, and am currently questing for my lost love.
The Fie: The Fie are a race of gremlins, basically harmless. They have a habit of replicating when feeling threatened. I managed to capture one once and found it brought me immense good luck on my travels. In appearance, the fie are two-inch high seahorse-looking creatures with grasshopper legs. They are mute, but can express emotions, and any forms of heigher communication is unknown.
Also, they don't taste very good when eaten.