A Conversation for Stonehenge

related to wintertime

Post 1


As I understood from a BBC documentary, Stonehenge probably is related to winter-time (sun) and not summer-time.

It made sense to me

related to wintertime

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I saw that too. Apparently the winter solstice was the more importand (and powerful) one as it marked the end of the cycle of decrease and was the beginning the rebirth cycle and a symbol of hope.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

related to wintertime

Post 3

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Definitely more important to know when it's the end of the winter!
smiley - star

related to wintertime

Post 4

Dark Side of the Goon

That would be when the snow melts and stuff starts growing again

smiley - smiley

It's a good possibility, though other people have suggested that Stonehenge is anything BUT a huge stone calender.

I've noticed that when Archeologists are stumped they mutter 'ritual, it's got to be ritual' and then people bring up solstices. It's an obvious time to have some kind of ceremony.

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