Naming the states

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I have always found the naming of the states in various Kintries to be irritatingly unnecessarily mundane.

Queensland, Virginia, anyone?

I find even the use of supposedly 'native' names for states and towns to be irritating, mostly because few of those who spoke that tongue are still around, and the rest of the way because the Franch and Britich and Spaniels transliterated half-heard words into their own langgages and then other idiots misproununced them even further so that the words mean nothing anymore, let alone what the natives wanted them to.

I'm sure it's the same in Arabic. It is a recent enough syncretic langgage that it has to deal with much more ancient names and phrases that flummocks the scholars who are dealing with religion and lexicography at the same time. Diacritical marks are kinda hinky. Just ask Bible translouters and linguistic pillagers like collige profusers.

Then there are the metaphorical rapists, the politicians and preachers who are so bereft of personal imagination that they have to steal from the idiots of the past. It never ceases to amaze me how something that came from the mind of a bored celibate priest between glasses of bad chardonnay five hundred years ago can take on the weight of HOLY WRIT just because he scribbled a few of his drunken ideas on a bit of parchment. The intervention of advertising, oops, I mean printing, into the cultural matrix led to the missplelings and misprenunciations being wide spread amongst and between those who thought they could read.

Then there are the maps. Advertis... Opps! I mean printing brought about the proliferation of maps to the populace that probably shouldn't have seen the light of day outside of the illustrator's garrett. Maps depend upon point of view and the lack of aeroplanes and satellites made the illustration of natural and unnatural geographical phenomenon rather subjective (or is it objective?) ((I never know with this langgage)) (((I have toruble with farmer and ladder also, since to my mind they should really be left and right, if you know what I mean))). So a map made in Luxembourg would not have the same perspective or needs as a map made in Bad Coxbourg.

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