High Lord Craxus Nec'roy

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Name: Craxus Nec'roy

Class: High Lord, noone actually knows the class High Lord Craxus was trained in...just that he knows basically every form of magic and doesn't use just one type of magic, showing extensive training in all forms of magic.

Familiar: The High Lord has a Familiar, but noone knows what it is. It's never been summoned before in the public eyes. Most magicians believe he doesn't even have a familiar.


  • Age: His appearance is that of a late 30's earlier 40 year old. Although noone knows his true age.
  • Eye colour: His eye colour is extremely light blue, showing almost no pigment.

  • Hair colour
  • Hair style: Long sleek hair, Craxus has it unbound so sways in the wind.
  • Height: A striking height of 6'4''
  • Clothing typical: Being High Lord, Craxus must wear a black robe to show his authority.
  • Favourite outfit: During battle, High Lord Craxus still retains his orginal style with the Heavy Black Robe, but one difference, he wears a exetremely light breastplate, noone knows how protective it is. Just that he's never gone down from a weapons wound.
  • Identifying features: Craxus is friendly, welcoming, amiable...but underneath it he's hard and just and at times almost brutal. And beneath that is a core of utter unknown, no one really knows what he is REALLY like.
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Build: His build is actaully kind of slim, his muscles show but he is not so bulky.

Abilities: Noone knows what kind of abilities the High Lord has...just that he was responsible for making the outposts and a few other things. He also had military training to lead the troops into battle.

Weapons: High Lord Craxus has two personal longswords. Both are enchanted with the unique spell, Sword of the Enduring Blade: both sharper than any other weapons, and the amount they cut through something is directly affected by the weight of the strike. Both are also enchanted with Glowing Blade, but in Craxus's hands they glow measurably at any given moment, even when he is not concentrating magical power into them. The first sword is strongly enchanted with ice, with ice crystals spinning off the blade when swung quickly, and the second with lightning; the smell of ozone noticeable in the air.

Armour: Craxus doesnt wear armour normally since he doesn't really need it. During battle though, he wears a exetremely light breast plate concealed underneith his black robes. This breastplate has unknown capibilities...its just a huge mystery about it.

Pet / Traveling Animal: Ignatius is High Lord Craxus' dragon. Nothing is really known about his pet that only he had it before the war and that it is a giant red dragon with strong scales along his body.

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