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Sunday, April Fourth, 2004

Today the first ever Grand Prix of Bahrain was won by Michael Shumacher while his Ferrari team-mate Ruebens Barichello placed second, once again comfirming that god is in his heaven and all is right with the world.
But I note with some sadness there was no mention or tribute to the passing last week of Sir Peter Ustinov, whose wonderful comedy "The Grand Prix of Gibraltar" elevated the sport of motor racing from a rich man's form of daredevilry into a truly international battle of wits and a playground for the angels.

About four years ago, back at the dawn of the 21st century, the lure of the world wide web promised free music, ready access to all sorts of information and the opportunity to talk to people from all round the world. And so I bought a computer.

Soon the free music was taken away by those who feared dot.communism and access to information was restricted to school book levels unless one was willing to pay real money for more detailed reports.

Happily I had discovered h2g2 early on and have been enjoying the chance to chat with people all over the globe.
But after four years it has finally occurred to me that I am spending far too much time online and probably paying way too much for my highspeed internet connection. So I have pulled the plug on my home computer to force myself to get out of doors, even if it's only to drive to the Library (20 miles away) where I can access their free internet connection. I'll still be around but I won't be online all the time as I used to be.

For more of my four year history at h2g2 read on:

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