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The internet is a useful tool for the distribution of freeware and files. This is a commonly held misconception of people who have not fully familiarised themselves with the actual nature of this world-wide beast.
The length of time it actually takes to complete the download of a given file is dependent of many factors, in fact the time taken, T, can be roughly calculated from this complex equation:
N is how much you actually need/want the file.
H is a complicated variable depending on if you have ever owned the file and the likelihood of you finding it on an old floppy disc within a week.
R is the rate you are being charged for your phone line.
f is inversely proportional to your financial situation.
The factor c is the theoretical maximum speed of your connection. This value can be taken as either Ma (actual modem speed) or Ia (actual ISP connection) whichever has the lowest value.
Ma is given by:
Ma=(Claimed modem speed)/(price)^2
Ia is given by:
Ia=(Claimed connection speed)/(number of subscribers)
(this value should be halved if you are using a free ISP)

In conclusion never download anything unless you have access to a connection that you are not paying for unless it's something you don't really want.

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