Entity Names

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Markup Entities

Named Entity




&quot;<ENTITY TYPE="#34"/>"
Quotation mark

Used to emphasize a piece of text as being a literal quote.
&amp;<ENTITY TYPE="#38"/>&

Used to abbreviate 'and' or concatenation
&lt;<ENTITY TYPE="#60"/><
Less-than sign

Opening hook for GuideML tags also mathematical sign for a previous expression evaluating less then the following expression.
&gt;<ENTITY TYPE="#62"/>>
Greater-than sign

Closing hook for GuideML tags also mathematical sign for a previous expression evaluating greater then the following expression.

Punctuation and General Symbols

Named Entity




&nbsp;<ENTITY TYPE="#160"/> 
Non-breakable space

Creating a space between words, where the browser will not break the words to create a new line.
&iexcl;<ENTITY TYPE="#161"/>¡
Inverted exclamation mark

&cent;<ENTITY TYPE="#162"/>¢
Cent sign

one hundreth of a currency unit
&pound;<ENTITY TYPE="#163"/>£
Pound sterling sign

English currency unit (will become obsolete)
&curren;<ENTITY TYPE="#164"/>¤
General currency sign

&yen;<ENTITY TYPE="#165"/>¥
Yen sign

Japanese currency unit
&brvbar;<ENTITY TYPE="#166"/>¦
Broken (vertical) bar

Used to indicate a filtering/ preprocessing routine to take output as input and generate processed output.
&sect;<ENTITY TYPE="#167"/>§
Section sign

used to indicate sections whitin a chapter, not unlike paragraphs
&uml;<ENTITY TYPE="#168"/>¨
Umlaut (dieresis)

double pronounciation of vowel in some languages
&copy;<ENTITY TYPE="#169"/>©
Copyright sign

Notifies reader previous word, phrase has copyrights and shall only be used to notate this name.
&ordf;<ENTITY TYPE="#170"/>ªOrdinal indicator, feminine
&laquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#171"/>«Angle quotation mark, left
&shy;<ENTITY TYPE="#173"/>­Soft hyphen
&reg;<ENTITY TYPE="#174"/>®Registered sign
&macr;<ENTITY TYPE="#175"/>¯Macron
&deg;<ENTITY TYPE="#176"/>°Degree sign
&sup2;<ENTITY TYPE="#178"/>²Superscript two
&sup3;<ENTITY TYPE="#179"/>³Superscript three
&acute;<ENTITY TYPE="#180"/>´Acute accent
&micro;<ENTITY TYPE="#181"/>µMicro sign
&para;<ENTITY TYPE="#182"/>Pilcrow (paragraph sign)
&middot;<ENTITY TYPE="#183"/>·Middle dot
&cedil;<ENTITY TYPE="#184"/>¸Cedilla
&sup1;<ENTITY TYPE="#185"/>¹Superscript one
&ordm;<ENTITY TYPE="#186"/>ºOrdinal indicator, masculine
&raquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#187"/>»Angle quotation mark, right
&iquest;<ENTITY TYPE="#191"/>¿Inverted question mark
&circ;<ENTITY TYPE="#710"/>ˆModifier letter circumflex accent
&tilde;<ENTITY TYPE="#732"/>˜Small tilde
&bull;<ENTITY TYPE="#8226"/>Bullet (small black circle)
&hellip;<ENTITY TYPE="#8230"/>Horizontal ellipsis
&ensp;<ENTITY TYPE="#8194"/>En space
&emsp;<ENTITY TYPE="#8195"/>Em space
&thinsp;<ENTITY TYPE="#8201"/>Thin space
&zwnj;<ENTITY TYPE="#8204"/>Zero width non-joiner
&zwj;<ENTITY TYPE="#8205"/>Zero width joiner
&lrm;<ENTITY TYPE="#8206"/>Left-to-right mark
&rlm;<ENTITY TYPE="#8207"/>Right-to-left mark
&ndash;<ENTITY TYPE="#8211"/>En dash
&mdash;<ENTITY TYPE="#8212"/>Em dash
&lsquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8216"/>Left single quotation mark
&rsquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8217"/>Right single quotation mark
&sbquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8218"/>Single low-9 quotation mark
&ldquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8220"/>Left double quotation mark
&rdquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8221"/>Right double quotation mark
&bdquo;<ENTITY TYPE="#8222"/>Double low-9 quotation mark
&dagger;<ENTITY TYPE="#8224"/>Dagger
&Dagger;<ENTITY TYPE="#8225"/>Double dagger
&permil;<ENTITY TYPE="#8240"/>Per mille sign
<ENTITY TYPE="euro"/><ENTITY TYPE="#8364"/>
Euro sign

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