Convenience and inconvenience

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If something seems too easy, it probably is.

If a bargain seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Time and memory have faded and many modern people don't have a clue where the products they are addicted to come from. They don't know the difference between organic and inorganic, aluminium and steel, plastic and glass, rubber and neoprene. They function without awareness, curiosity or ability.

They will spend more money in order to get a smaller amount of material with less waiting instead of saving money by travelling further to stand in line to buy a larger quantity. They will go to an all night store and pay 20 to 30% more for something they could have gotten cheaper if they'd only gone shopping in the daylight. They will pay a 60% markup to buy a single unit instead of buying a box containing five or more units. They drive around wasting gas looking for a station that sells fuel for a few cents less per gallon.

They will buy things on hire purchase for twice as much again as they would have had to pay if they bought them outright. They will make monthly payments on an object they will not receive until the payments are complete for an additional cost of 2/3rds more over what it would have cost them outright.

They will go online and bid for an object that can be bought with a small wait from a local store and end up paying two to three times more in order to have theirs without waiting and before their neighbors.

They will spend 1/2 of their monthly household budget in order to buy fashionable clothing for themselves and their teenagers.

They will spend unnecessary amounts on worthless jewelry and then pawn the items in order to pay their bills.

They will let their children wander around in hand-me-downs and flip-flops while they spend $300.00 on a Saturday night driving around bar-hopping and wearing "clothing" that would make pimps and whores blush.

They will live in houses they cannot pay off within the next two decades, driving vehicles they cannot afford, watching a TV or playing with a computer in practically every room of the house, talking on cellaphones they paid $200.00 for that have features they will never use. They wear clothes they paid too much, expensive shoes that damage their feet and pay for hair arrangements that involve dangerous chemicals and enough money to feed a family of four for a day.

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