Glastonbury Festival 2004

2 Conversations

Glastonbury Festival 2004

By now you should know if you'll be going to this year's Glastonbury Festival, as tickets went on sale on April 1st, and sold out within 24hrs of release. So if you are one of the lucky ones, why not join up with fellow h2 researchers at some point over the weekend? Post to the Confirmed Attendee thread below to let us know if you'll be there.

Check out Radio 1's tried and tested festival survival guide for valuable advice for first time festival attendees.

Information about the 2003 Festival is available here, expect a full page for this year's festival in the next month or so.

Take Me To The Festival!

The lucky researchers below have now got their Glastonbury tickets confirmed and will be at the festival.

Ever Hopeful

The following researchers may not have a ticket but still hope to be there.

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