A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Front Gate

Post 461

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Thurin tries to smile in a friendly way, but this doesn't quite work due to the excessive size of his canine teeth, instead it merely makes him look hungry*

[Thurin] Anything else we should know? Any other private armies camped out here? Any evil sourcerers trying to conquer the place? Anyone seen either Lady Shaylar or Lady Lumien?

smiley - cheers

Front Gate

Post 462

Feuille v. 2

[Guard] Lady Shaylar and Lady Lumien are in the Guild Hall, I think, sir.

[Lieutenant] When she returned, Lady Elandra took charge of the city. No one else would.

[Guard] Aye. She's head of the Guild, and Imardin, now. *To Alanna* You can find Lady Elandra in the Palace, miss. You'll have to stable your horse first, though.

Front Gate

Post 463


Thank you.

*rides into city*

Front Gate

Post 464

Feuille v. 2

Front Gate

Post 465

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Thurin continues to grin, but not in a friendly way*

[Thurin] Oh is she? Is she really? We better be going then I guess.

*Thurin and the other two ride away a short distance*

[Thurin] Right, first things first. We ride to the palace, find Elandra tell her to relinquish the thrown and if she refuses we cut her into itty bitty pieces. Anyone want to add anything?

[Wolf] I'd like to take out the itty bitty pieces bit. It's not that I particularly like her. However I would like to avoid a war.

[Ulrik] And what will happen if she refuses to relinquish the thrown and we let her both live and stay ruling here?

[Wolf] Yes but then it will be her actions which start it, not ours.

*Still muttering amongst them selves they make their way back to Wolf and Thurin's house*

smiley - cheers

Front Gate

Post 466

Lash LeRue

*bounds in with a sack over one shoulder and his wolfhound familiar Bran trailing alongside, he stops and waits for the others*

Front Gate

Post 467

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*Walks out the gate.*


*A zombie unicorn emerges from the earth.*

So. How long do you think we shall have to wait for?

Front Gate

Post 468

Lash LeRue

*looks at the unicorn*

That is a little unusual... possibly very unusual.

*Straps on his bow onn his back and sets his staff by his side*

Not long, we wait for Tom and head ofr Kalsho, we're not heading for the outpost just the surrounding forrest, a scouting mission if you will. Oh and a bit of medical help to the local wildlife.

Front Gate

Post 469

Tom tamer of the lion

*tom turns up, with a kipsack full of stuf*
sorry im a bit late got lost, we off now?

Front Gate

Post 470

Lash LeRue

Yah I rekon so.

Ready Kazinizhi?

Front Gate

Post 471

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Alright let's go.

*Jumps on the unicorn and gallops off.*

Front Gate

Post 472

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Front Gate

Post 473

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Wolf arives and heads, purposefully across to the caretaker*

[Wolf] You there, caretaker, I would like a word with you

smiley - cheers

Front Gate

Post 474

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

<*Ahem* is Thurin going to raise himself soon>

Front Gate

Post 475

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

smiley - cheers

Front Gate

Post 476

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Front Gate

Post 477

Lash LeRue

*CĂș points to Tom*

Me or him, he is my apprentice.

Front Gate

Post 478

Tom tamer of the lion

Yeah, if its me im sorry i went off like that i was in a rush

Front Gate

Post 479

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Wolf looks shocked*

[Wolf] Your aprentice? I return home for a few months and you gain an aprentice? What rank are you now then? Oh and I was going to introduce myself, I'm Wolf von Altwelt, while Lord Wolsey is away I'm the ranking Caretaker in the city.

smiley - cheers

Front Gate

Post 480

Lash LeRue

Getting my adept badge after this mission, got to check out some goings on around kalsho.

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