Boston (Lincolnshire, England)

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A market town on the A16 between Peterborough and Skegness (Skeggy), surrounded by miles and miles of flat agricultural land. Historically, Boston is where the pilgrims sailed from, hence the copycat small town in the USA
There's a church (St. Botolphs), with a massive spire, stuck right in the middle of the town, which is known as "THE STUMP" and can be seen from about 8 miles away.

Market day is Wednesday, where you have all the usual cheap pants etc., as well as an auction of more cheap rubbish on "The Green". The customary greeting between local folks is "Now then, me dawk", (Me Dawk is the Boston equivalent of the London "my duck", but unexplainable to anyone else.)

They have the greatest chip shop in the north, called Tates, have a huge tray, with mushy peas, salt and vinegar (plus curry sauce if you're exotic).

The roads are abysmal, with 8-10 mile "straights", where overtaking looks simple, until a tractor appears from a track, and you've had it.

Property is dirt cheap, you can buy a 3 bedroomed house for under 40 grand, but there are no jobs, unless grovelling around in the mud for brussels sprouts is on your CV.

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