
2 Conversations

Zork is the longest running, most succesful, and possibly best series of video games on planet Earth. Originally created in a computer laboratory in MIT by a few bored students who didn't bother themselves to come up with a name for it (and they still haven't), to the succesful computer company Infocom, and now is being marketed and sold by the software company Activision, Zork has always been a series to challenge all adventurers, staying barely one step ahead of technology and popular story lines.

Actisision has sadly announced that there will be no more Zork games made. Despite this, I believe that Zork will come back in the future. Maybe even its own movie . . . anyway, the fools at Activision have no idea what a waste they're making of a game series with such potential. Oh, well.

Existing Articles On Zork Games

Here, I will put reviews/articles for Zork games as I become aware of them. Here is the entire list so far:

The Mainframe Zork/Dungeon= This is the evil that started it all!
Zork One: The Great Underground Empire=This is the first of the three part trilogy known as "The Zork Trilogy." This trilogy tore Dungeon into three parts, and added a little to make it a lot more fun!

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