A Conversation for Of chemistry, cats and lessons of life
Xanthus Started conversation May 9, 1999
As you stood on that balcony of yours that evening, you were probably not the only one doing that. Maybe not in your street, or town, or even country, but somewhere someone was probably standing on their balcony with similar concerns. Studying can be a lonely business.
Piikkis Posted May 24, 1999
Lonely indeed, and there's always the risk of falling down the balcony...
NeoPhight Posted Aug 13, 1999
I would allways stand up there on that balcony and wonder, If I jumped off and maybe broke my leg or something, if I'd get out of the chemistry test, or at least have more time to study
kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict) Posted Sep 8, 1999
but it starts to get real bad if you can't even take the time or the energy to stand lonely on your balcony... as if you don't even realise that's the thing to do now...
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