The Official H2G2 10 Albums List

2 Conversations

The 10 Records You Would Want To Take On A Deserted Island

You all know the question: ”Which 10 this, that or whatevers would you want to have with you if you ended up on a deserted island…

Why not have a go at collecting ”The Official H2G2 List of 10 records to…”?

In order to make this thing a bit more manageable, a few ground rules are in order:

Rules of the game

  • To qualify, albums must be original albums or live recordings. Thus, no compliations, greatest hits and such. Which, sadly enough, disqualifies one of my favourite albums, Long Distance by Runrig…
  • You’re welcome to qualify your choices, but please keep it short – say a sentence or two.
  • Please try to throw in links to official or at least interesting web pages about the performers. One of the main features of this guide (H2G2, that is) is to be interactively interesting…!
  • Try to spread your entries over genres and time – the list will have a more ubiquitous appeal if it’s more than the 10 best dance albums from January 2000 or the 10 best zitar recordings from Northern Greece (not that there’s necessesarily anything wrong with either).
  • List entries will be collected now and then by yours truly. At some point, when patterns start emerging, the official list will start taking form.
  • If you can see patterns and they fail to show on the page, you have several options: Go to the nearest parking lot and scream in frustration, drink a pint of your favourite frustration killing agent, patiently and very politely explain why in the page forum or just give up. But please don’t kick any cats.

The Kick-off List

To get things started, here’s at least a list. Any similarity between this list and the final outcome will be purely coincidental…!

Oh, and the numbering’s not a priority thing, but merely an aid for me to ensure that there in fact is 10 albums listed…

  1. "Rumours", Fleetwood Mac. Well, it sold about 25 million albums back in the late 70s, and it's still just good!
  2. "Misplaced Childhood", Marillion. Fabulous lyrics and very symphonic rock.
  3. "A Day At The Races", Queen. Blimey, Freddie could sing. And nobody played synthesizer!
  4. "Cæcilie Norby", Cæcilie Norby. One of very few Danish artists to publish on Blue Note. Very good jazz singer!
  5. "Bat Out Of Hell", [URL removed by moderator]Full throttle ahead! And what a voice...
  6. "Sneakers", Sneakers. Another Danish entry. Their singer remain one of the best Danish "rock mamas" now 20 years later!
  7. "Getz/Gilberto", Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto. The "classic" bossa nova jazz piece. A must be jazz entry, IMHO.
  8. "Revenge", Eurythmics. Maybe not artistically their best, but the one I keep coming back to.
  9. "An American Prayer", Jim Morrison/The Doors. Made a few years after Jim Morrison died, this is lyrics defined.
  10. "Dark Side Of The Moon", Pink Floyd. Tough choice. It could have been Animals.

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