A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

VSC: A joke stolen very cheaply from Terry Wogan this morning

Post 1

Mu Beta

Bradford: 11am, this morning. A man was arrested for causing a public nuisance. He was found staggering up the middle of a dual carriageway wearing frilly knickers and suspenders, high heels, a low-cut bodice top, a blonde wig, mascara, handcuffs and carrying a Gucci handbag.

Police allowed the man to remove his Leeds Utd top before arrest to save his family from any undue embarrassment.

Thank you! I'm here all week.


VSC: A joke stolen very cheaply from Terry Wogan this morning

Post 2


smiley - laugh

VSC: A joke stolen very cheaply from Terry Wogan this morning

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

Eeh. I remember hearing that one in the early 90's only with a Manyoo shirt. Thought it was poor then.

smiley - winkeye

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VSC: A joke stolen very cheaply from Terry Wogan this morning

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