A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club
VSC: Now I believe
Mu Beta Started conversation Feb 21, 2007
Tonight, for the first time ever, I believe that the Iron are actually in with a chance of winning League One.
Now, let's not get things out of perspective, I am quite aware that if we get promoted, then it will result in an almost re-relegation from the Championship (we've no money and a 9,000-capacity stadium: you go figure).
But, let's focus on the positives. We have only EVER won a divisional title before, in 1957-58. That was the old, OLD Division 3 (ie. the same division we're in now, but without the benefit of a professional division beneath it. We've changed managers in mid-season, thanks to the bloody Owls poaching the fourth-longest serving manager in the League from us, and we've held the top of the table with our ex-physio in charge, whose only previous club was Bangor City. Can we really do it? It might be the kiss of death, but I think we might have a chance...
VSC: Now I believe
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Feb 21, 2007
I hope you do. Means you won't be able to turn us over next season...
VSC: Now I believe
Mu Beta Posted Feb 21, 2007
I've still got my fingers crossed that we can do the Blades in, to be honest.
VSC: Now I believe
GreyDesk Posted Feb 21, 2007
You'll have to get another promotion to get the chance of doing that
And why shouldn't you do OK in the Championship? Colchester are doing well this season; and Luton, whilst struggling a bit, are by no means down in the depths.
Plus if you're looking for clubs with no money doing OK-ish. Look no further than Sheffield Wednesday. They seem to manage when they've got, allegedly, minus twenty-six million (not) in the bank.
VSC: Now I believe
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Feb 21, 2007
-£26m in the bank? Rich by Yorkshire standards then?
VSC: Now I believe
GreyDesk Posted Feb 21, 2007
I thought that the Leeds debt was under control these days?
VSC: Now I believe
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Feb 21, 2007
We get new and wildly varying stories every week. Although we're meant to be breaking even sometime between last season and in 20 years time according to different reports.
VSC: Now I believe
Mu Beta Posted Feb 21, 2007
I'll grant that Colchester are comparable to us in terms of club size and reputation, but you have to remember that we have traditionally considered Luton to be high-fliers. And Hull are virtually Premiership opposition. Let's not get carried away.
VSC: Now I believe
Mu Beta Posted Mar 2, 2007
Oh God, I'm starting to have those 'mirage' moments. Surely it's not real.
The worst thing is, just about everyone on 606 thinks we've got it sewn up. In the past, this would be a lucky run of good results; somehow, now it's all real. I feel like I'm hallucinating. Actually, I hope we lose to Brentford - if we don't, it'll be just a little bit too bizarre.
I can't cope. Somebody sedate me.
VSC: Now I believe
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Mar 3, 2007
I hate to be a voice of reason, but in my bitter and heartwrenching experience unless you're a Manyoo, Liverpool or Arsenal fan what goes up must come down.
And down.
And then you end up in a lower division than ing Scunthorpe and you just wonder why you don't try watching Rugby League, or Cricket, or paint drying.
VSC: Now I believe
Mu Beta Posted Mar 3, 2007
Well, for now, let me quote from the Leeds fan on 606:
"Please, please, can we have Beckford back?"
Key: Complain about this post
VSC: Now I believe
- 1: Mu Beta (Feb 21, 2007)
- 2: Secretly Not Here Any More (Feb 21, 2007)
- 3: Mu Beta (Feb 21, 2007)
- 4: GreyDesk (Feb 21, 2007)
- 5: Secretly Not Here Any More (Feb 21, 2007)
- 6: GreyDesk (Feb 21, 2007)
- 7: Secretly Not Here Any More (Feb 21, 2007)
- 8: Mu Beta (Feb 21, 2007)
- 9: Mu Beta (Mar 2, 2007)
- 10: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 3, 2007)
- 11: Mu Beta (Mar 3, 2007)
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