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VSC: Rangers Shortest Reign as Manager
pedro Posted Jan 5, 2007
What about Ally McCoist for manager? Are they still pisht from New Year, or what?
VSC: Rangers Shortest Reign as Manager
swl Posted Jan 12, 2007
Does anybody think Smith could have handled both jobs?
I think he could have done the Scotland job ok, but if results didn't go his way at Rangers he would have been slaughtered by the fans.
VSC: Rangers Shortest Reign as Manager
Demon Drawer Posted Jan 12, 2007
I think in the sort term ie until the end of this season it would have been possible. Ie there are only three more competitive games until then. But there would be no way going into the next and the cruch season for Euro qulaification he could have kept up both.
VSC: Rangers Shortest Reign as Manager
Nirvanite Posted Jan 12, 2007
The SFA did'nt want him to do both jobs anyway.
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VSC: Rangers Shortest Reign as Manager
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