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Didn't he do well

Post 1

Phillip Phlopp

I wonder what effect the baby will have on Jezzer's musical taste? Do you think he will mellow a bit and look again at the good music that JY used to play?

I hope little Martha will pop his The Smiths/Clash etc into the toaster by mistake.

Martha Vine? Sounds familiar.

Didn't he do well

Post 2

Researcher U634370


See you found your way here!

Saw you come in. Nah bring on the Clash!!! Like old music as well though. smiley - winkeye

for you smiley - kiss for always making me smiley - laugh

Must smiley - run off to Smiley Headquarters. smiley - somersault back in a bit.

BD smiley - fish

PS Liked your photo very fetching!

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