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Being attractive is a funny old thing really. You've either got it or you haven't.
There are several ways to figure out where you stand on the sttractiveness scale: Look into a mirror - If it spontainiouslyexplodes at the sight of your mug then I'm afraid this is not a good sign.
If you survive this then there's a few thing you can do: How symetrical is your face? - Is the left side a perfect reflection of the right side?, or is it more like a Pacasso on acid? More sysmetricity = more attractive.
According to research an average face is not the prettiest, I wont bore you with the details, but a totally average face won't get you far, you need a unique face - but not in the way Madaline Albright's face is unique.
When it comes to your body, if you are female (or would like to be) then you need a good Wiast-to-Hip Ratio. Find this out by dividing Your waist measurement by your Thigh measurement: If is above 1, then you are in BIG trouble, if its close to 1 then your still not that attractive to men I'm afraid. If its around 0.7 then you have the 'perfect' curveyness as found from a variety of cultures. If it's significantly lower than 0.7 then your just a bit to curvey for the average man.
If your male there is a relationship between the size of your packet and your attractiveness - Your packet being your wallet stuffed full of cash. Actually I made that last bit up, as I'm a Psychologist / Sociobiologist who's male, and loves his job as it gives him reason to look at pretty women all day so doesn't give a monkeys nose about male attractiveness.
....Okay, so now you have a general idea of how pleasant your features are. What next? well in theory at least there should be someone (or something if you live in the countryside) thats about as attractive / lumpy / werid-lookin' as you are. The wonderful thing is that you'll probably end up with that person. Here's a lovely little example that you can do yourself if your sad, have an icerink, and thirty people who you've paid to stick around:
Take 15 males and 15 females who can ice-skate. On the feamles backs write an even number between 2 and 30, on the males backs write an od number between 1 and 29. Tell your skaters that their job is to find a member off the opposite sex with the lowest number possible on their back - i.e. 1=very attractive, 30=a real moose. Now each person doesn't know what their own attractiveness is but can see everybody elses. Get the lot of them to skate around for a minute or so all mixing together.
Now comes the fun bit: blow a whistle and get them to start matching up. What happens is that individuals with low numbers on their backs (v.attractive) get mobbed. They therefore conclude that "hey, I must be a pretty sexy individual to get all this attention, so I'm off to find a really sexy number aswell. The net result of this is that everytime '1' will pair up with '2', '3' with '4', '5' with '6'.....etc. So you see it doesn't really matter whether you've been blessed, or hit every branch down when you fell out of the ugly tree, you'll always be able to get your rocks off eventually. Unless you traffic warden, 'cause nobody likes them.

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