The Absolute Proof That Nothing Exists

4 Conversations

I, in association with several brainy friends of mine, have mathematically proven without doubt (well very little doubt) that absolutely nothing exists. Here is the mathematical proof:-

A reasonable statement that 1 = 1 and -1 = -1 and, therefore, 1/1 = 1/1 and -1/1 = 1/-1
Rules of indices state that it is reasonable that we can take the square roots of the top and bottom of both fractions on both sides of the equation wich gives 1/i = i/1
If we cross multiply the above equation we get -1/1 (this isn't a problem though, we can simply say there is reflection along the number line)
This means that -1 = 1, -2 = 2, -3 = 3 and so on to -infinity = infinity
2 x infinity could be (having one infinity positive and the other negative) they cancel each other out leaving 0
Therefore 2 x infinity = 0
Simple algebra tells us that infinity = 0
The inverse Tan of 0 is zero degrees and the inverse Tan of infinity is 90 degrees
If infinity and zero are the same this maens that 90 degrees and 0 degrees are the same
If this is true then dimensions as we know them can not exist and if there are no dimensions then we cannot exist.

Watch this space for the universe dissapearing in a large puff of logic.

Comments are welcomed greatfully, but if your maths is pants don't bother because we'll send the boys after you.

N.B. Many thanks to Derfuzz and Jackson

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