A Conversation for h2g2 Historical Society

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Post 21

Demon Drawer

Hey, it's one of my pets too. Cause I wasn't joking about the pre-Norman Kings I've got plenty of scope and about a millenium of 7 or more Kingdoms. In fact I've just written another history entry. The History of the Football Holigan http://www.h2g2.com/A245071 however of all the stuff I've submitted it's the least likely to meet the PTB criteria but who knows I might get one on a really good day when it comes to the top of the pile.

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Post 22

Researcher 93445

* Hangs head in shame *

Sorry, Lil. Um, it's only been here a few days, I was just getting ready to drop you a line? No? My dog ate the email? No? Drat.

Anyhow, glad you found it. I envision this as the first of a chain of pages...the historical society...the biological society...the junk culture society...

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Post 23


Wow ... I love it smiley - smiley

Thanks for telling onelist about this, of course I'm also poaching Lil's threads right now smiley - smiley

I love history, and will probably write some entries when my life settles a little. Until then, I hope you don't mind if I just lurk and read smiley - smiley


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Post 24

Demon Drawer

I'm sure Mustapha won't mind, Courtesy, as long as you read all the Histories as well. Please let me get that door on your way out.

Yours sincerely

DD smiley - smiley

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Post 25


Why thank you kind DD, such courtesy is appreciated. smiley - smiley

Courtesy .... lurk, lurk, lurk smiley - smiley

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Post 26

Demon Drawer

Meanwhile if my fellow historians would like a break from all you strenuous research there is a bit of a party going on over at mine. Click on over if you're interested, BYOB.


DD smiley - smiley

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Post 27


This is great stuff, guys! Now what we need is to get some serious (but not necessarily so) debates going. Eg about the nature of history, or the veracity of certain facets of it.

Plus if I could find a version of Split Enz's "History Never Repeats", that would just be so cool...

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Post 28

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sounds like kin to Devo's "Rust Never Sleeps".

You start a thread, you post the URL at the bottom of this thread, and we will come.


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Post 29

Demon Drawer

I'll go home and check I think I may have it somewhere.


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Post 30

Mike A (snowblind)

I'll stick ,my oar in without reading any of the conversation and ask:

Any interest in a history article about Eric Clapton, Cream, Blind Faith or Iron Maiden?

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Post 31


You write it, I'll link it. You may notice I've already seen fit to link your Entry on the Sex Pistols...

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Post 32

Jimi X

I've started a thread at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=30582&thread=35660 about historical untruths. Feel free to join in! smiley - smiley

- X

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Post 33

Mike A (snowblind)

Wow! I didn't think my Sex Pistols entry was very good! But if you do, I'm not arguing.

Eric Clapton:
Blind Faith:
And if you want there's one on the Greame Bond Organization:

i've also written for a few films. Watership Down, The Secret Of NIMH and An American Tail (I'm not pleased with my article on Fieval Goes West). And I've done a few books. Interested in links for these?

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Post 34

Demon Drawer

Musthapha, I've been working away on those early Kings of England and Wessex and I've added the start of Alfred's immediate family

His Father Ethelwulf http://www.h2g2.com/245161

and the rest of his brothers Ethelbald, Ethelbert and Ethelred I

I will eventually do an index to all the kings of Wessex as an item for the HS page for ease of reference, I just haven't got around to it yet still researching all their histories.


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Post 35


Yeth, I thee you thertainly have been working with quite a few Ethelth rethently. smiley - smiley

Wasn't Alfred one of five sons?

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Post 36


Small notice announcing the 1st Official h2g2 Historical Society Debate:


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Post 37

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Might I suggest my article The Failure of Christianity to Stand Up to Reason http://www.h2g2.com/a213247. Although the main focus is on religion, the commentary is backed up by several nuggets of historical evidence.

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Post 38

Researcher 93445

I'd love to see some Entries on such things as the Nag Hammadi codices, but if I were running things here, I wouldn't link to the referenced Entry. I'd like to see us leave the polemics at the door. Just personal opinion, of course.

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Post 39

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I was already considering an article on the Nag Hammadi codices...and since I just happened to have a copy handy, I suppose I could handle that!

A Dead Sea Scrolls article could also be in the works, now that the translations are finally out. But I'll have a lot of reading to do for that one. I could do a history on them, though, but I've yet to see a history on them that didn't get into polemics. Ranting on about how the Catholics handled them, shut out the rest of the world, possibly destroyed documents, and such.

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Post 40


Hello chaps.

Mustapha, just to let you know that I've scribbled out a few words to do with Alchemy. I found an entry on Alchemy subtitled 'Hmm. Unlikely' and I couldn't possibly let that pass without throwing in my own two pence worth. Would you be a dear and have a glance through, and if you deem it worthy add a link to it? If you don't think it historical, then fine. Just look for the formation of The Crackpot Secret Sciences Committee, that's all... maybe we can play the Historical Soc. at table football one day!

It can be found at A248230: Alchemy


Gargleblaster, looking forward to the Nag Hammadi / Dead Sea Scrolls articles. Sooner the better, huh?!

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