The Demonic Twins

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Craxus Nec'roy was only a single fighter walking in the sands of Tatooine. The time was shortly after Vader was given 2nd command to an Imperial Elite Force called the Cons. The Cons, shortened name of the Consortium, is normally called upon to eliminate certain bothersome beings that the Emperor has condemned.

Craxus was on a mission of recruiting, looking for the best people to be in the Cons to help defend Tatooine against the rebel attacks on Bestine and other Imperial controlled cities. He also helped to search for Crime Lords that long ago murdered his Zabrak family. His shadow reflecting the horns on his head as the Zabrak race has, Darth Maul is a Zabrak.

He was far out on Tatooine, where only squills and mountain worts live. Craxus came across a few foot prints in the sand, by the looks of it Trandoshen. He decided to investigate considering they were made recently.

After hiking for one hour he came across a huge skeleton form lieing on the sands half burried by time and sand storms. Craxus pondered for a moment checking his planetary data map and noticed that it was where people have warned him that only the darest of warriors, or the insane. He was standing in the Kyrat Boneyard. Craxus with a slight fear decided how far the bones reached so he climbed the mountain top and peered out into the vast deserts. Only on hte mountain top could he feel the running of an enormous beast, he glared and saw a green figure with a black trench coat on, battling what looked likea full grown KYRAT DRAGON!!!

Craxus began running at full speed towards the dueling couple. He couldn't have gotten ther sooner the kyrat dragon was gnawing and biting at the green figure. Craxus was there when the kyrat whipped its tail at the green figure slaming it into his chest. The green figure went flying into the air 20 feet, and smashed into the adjacent rocks. It looked as if the kyrat was churging to finish off the figure. The kyrat began charging full speed. Craxus saught this as time to act. Craxus came racing down the hill at top speed, he used his momentum and id da fliying kic. Just as the kyrat was about to bite the green figure, Craxus foot collided with the kyrats eye. The kyrat began to bleed crazily and it staggered rushing back a few meteres . Craxus utilied this time to inspect the fallen green figure.

"Hello," Craxus questioned.

The green figure moved a moment as the Trandoshen's regenerative scales began to repair themselves.

"Are you alright, what is your name?" wondered Craxus.

"I got a few broken ribs and my leg is cut." The figured grabbed a piece of cloth out of what looked like a old Imperial Medical Kit. The figure wrapped it around his leg. "By the way, my name is Ahzi."

"Hello, Ahzi can you walk?" said Craxus.

Ahzi stood up and stayed back on his other good leg. "I can manage."

At this point the kyrat finally regained its eyes or just enough to see its food (Craxus and Ahzi) that it charged at the two warriors.

Craxus and Ahzi both heard the sound, both got up and began the fighting stances. Ahzi grabbed his powerful war hammer, and Craxus grabbed his sleek Vibro Knuckles. The kyrat rushed as them at full speed with a little bleeding from its left eye, from Craxus' earlier attack.

The kyrat charged just before it hit Craxus and Ahzi, both of them leaped out of the way so it wouldn't hit them. The kyrat slammed into the large boulder completely splitting it into fours. Craxus and Ahzi both agreed that it was there time to strike. Ahzi brought his home down swiftly on the kyrats front legs. The creature responded to yelping and tried to bite Ahzi, Crauxs registered the kyrats counter attack, and brought the VK quickly into the kyrats nose. Making it bleed. The kyrat roared with anger and raised its jaw down into Craxus' chest deep causing a very strong cut.

Ahzi raised his hammer and smashed it into the side of the enourmous rib cage of the kyrat dragon. The dragon roared once more and brought up its front legs high to crush Ahzi, only when the legs got into the glare of the sun, did Ahzi and Craxus notice two golden braclets on each side of the kyrats legs. Ahzi rolled out of the wall and Craxus rolled under the kyrat to the exposed under belly. Craxus brought the VK into belly of the kyrat causing a enormous gash spewing blood all over Craxus. Craxus rolled towards Ahzi, got to his feet waiting for kyrat to respond. The kyrat roared once more and came running at the Warrior pair. Craxus did a upper cut, cutting the kyrats lower jaw while Ahzi brought down his powerful hammer onto the kyrats skull. The pair heard the crack of the skull being smashed and Craxus' VK cutting through the face. The kyrat twitched for a moment then fell over dead. In the end of the fight, Craxus had a gash across his chest, his arms were cut up, and so was his face. Ahzi had a couple broken ribs, one broken/semi healed leg, and a few cuts on his face as well.

They both heard a clink / clink, and the two golden braclets fell to the ground. Both of them picked it up and monitered it. The braclets had an inscription on it. They couldn't read it too well. It seemed to be a almost dead language. While they were inspecting both braclets, the things snapped on Craxus right wrist, and Ahzi's left wrist. They both were very worried about this but didn't care cause they were worn out from the battle.

"I think we need to head back to a Med Center," stated Ahzi.

"Aye, that we do. Listen I got two dewbacks read for a full run...I think we should rid eback to Bestine. I have a friend whom is a doctor also a person who knows a lot about other people cultures," replied Craxus.

"Okay, lets just get there fast." So they took off riding the two dewbacks. On the way, Craxus asked Ahzi if he wanted to join the Cons for Craxus could use a good warrior, and friend with him. Ahzi was honored by it and accepted.

They arrived at Bestine almost dead but still about to walk. They walked into the Med Center and both of them collasped onto the floor right then and there. After a few days Ahzi and Craxus started to regain conciousness.

"How long have we been out," wondered Craxus.

"Three days and just about nine hours," confirmed TK-461. I also looked at your braclet cause we couldn't take it offf when we were changing you into patient robes. It was very curious for it was a old language that I learned back from my medical professor. The braclets inscriptions both say ~~~The Demonic Twins for they shall be the ones that slay the King of Kyrats.~~~

"King of Kyrats," wondered Ahzi.

"Yes, oh and that reminds me, what were you two fighting," yelled TK-461.

"Well we came across a huge Kyrat," answered Craxus.

"AND YOUR STILL ALIVE!!! You must truly be the Demonic Twins," said TK-461.

Till this very day the braclets are still worn on Craxus and Ahzi's wrists.

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