Definitions used in Lawn Bowls

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THis is appendix to The Beginners Guide to the Rules of Lawn Bowls check that out first. It'll link back to here when you need it.


Delivering a bowl across the body from the side used to deliver the bowl.

Centre line

Defined by markers at each end of the rink on which the mat and jack must be at the start of each end.

Controlled weight shot

Trying to achieve what a drive might achieve and ensure you do not lose your bowl.


Trough around the outside of the green a bowl which enters the ditch within the confines of the rink is considered dead unless it is deemed to be a toucher.


A bowl delivered which aims to stop as close to the jack as possible.


A bowl delivered at great speed intended to remove bowl/s and/or jack from current positionin the head.


Delivery of Jack and every bowl in the match in one direction, providing the Jack is still live.


Delivering a bowl on the same side of the body as the hand used to deliver the bowl.


A square or regtangular playing area surronded by a ditch, subdivided in smaller strips called rinks.


All the bowls delivered in an end form a head of bowls around the jack. The head can be loose or tight depending on distance from the jack.


A smaller white or yellow ball, which at the start of an end is delivered and set to be on the centre line. A jack is live as long as it remains within the confines of the rink that includes the ditch.


Delivery position on the centre line not more than 23m from the far ditch not less than 2m from the near ditch. One foot must be within the confines (ie on or above) of the mat when the bowl leaves the hand.


a) the division of the green on which you are playing defined by rink markers at each end.

b) in a team game of four players the team is called a rink


The bowl nearest the Jack when an end is over, each of the same teams bowls which are next nearest also count as shots until an opponents bowl is the next nearest.

Wood or Bowl

Traditionally a black or brown slightly off-spherical shape with a natural bias giving it an arc when delivered. Now come in range of colours.

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