A Conversation for Will They Power Your Car With Sawdust From Canada?


Post 1


That's all quite interesting - even though the numbers are a bit dizzying.

Have you thought about doing a Guide Entry on this?

Incidentally, will this kind of bio-fuel be similar to proposals to use rape seed oil? I read somewhere tha burning rape seed oil products produces Nitrous Oxide, a far more damaging gas than CO2.


Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I will eventually pare it down and build it up until it might be a Guide Entry, yes. I've slowed down on doing GEs since I invariably run into someone who knows more about the subject than me. smiley - laugh

As I gather, the methanol produced is not like the oils that can replace diesel. It would replace gasoline (which consists of a very complex molecule) as the lightest of all alcohols, sometimes actually referred to as Wood Alcohol:


Gasoline has many complex variations but all of them produce much more than just Carbon Dioxide and water during combustion, which is what Methanol makes when it burns.


I got interested in the subject because of an extensive newspaper article that studied the possiblity of using the massive Pine Beetle kill-off in this way. I looked into various sites after that and did a bit of reading from the library (but most of that is out of date).

Thanks for your comments, I'll work on it sporadically but it will get done.


Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

There, you see what you've made me do? I linked to the wrong *-thanol* and then spouted off about Methanol instead of Ethanol.

Make that Wiki link:


DON'T call it wood alcohol, call it grain alcohol and make it ONE of the lightest alcohols.

I write like I've been drinking the stuff.... smiley - drunk


Post 4

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Oh, and another interesting development are current investigations for creation of GMO enzymes and yeast to increase the production of cellulose and alcohol respectively. I wonder if people would object to the use of GMOs to produce better, low pollution fuel for their autos from a renewable resource?

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