Dr Francois Dolittle!

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Live report From the yacht

Date: 24 February 2004
Day: 215, (This Leg Day 33)

Dr Francois Dolittle, Animal Specialist, was called in again at nightfall. This time the patient was Nick's Mouse. Without his Mouse Nick is rendered speechless and for him that is intolerable. He reeled back white-faced, as Dr Francois removed the poor wee thing's skin, muttering in Franglais "I'm going in - and I'm going in deep". He cut all its sinews and then set about re-connecting them. Watched over by Igor in the dome above them, Nick never left the Frenchman's side, squeezed together on the navigator's bench seat in the saloon and lit only by the dull red chart light, the operation seemed to last for hours. Eventually, Dr Francois spoke: "He moves!".

Nick was shaken but clearly stirred by his French colleagues skill. He had left a spare mouse back in its warm home in Melbourne.

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