Columbo - The Television Detective

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Lt. Columbo, played by Peter Falk, is one of the iconic TV detectives of modern times. It seems hard to realise that the TV show dates back to 1968. It originally ran on the American NBC network until 1977, then returned in 1989 on ABC.

The character of Columbo was created by Richard Levinson and William Link. Columbo is so well known that most people can remember at least one plot from the show. Levinson and Link also created another highly sucessful TV murder detective series: Murder, She Wrote.

Lieutenant Columbo works for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), homicide division.

The Episode Format

Each episode of Columbo follows a similar line. The audience is shown the events leading up to the murder, and even shown who the murderer is. They always have a complex plot to bump off the victim, and of course, a cast iron alibi. This method is unique to TV detective shows, which goes some way to explaining its popularity.

You might think that this is insulting for the audience, to be told at the start who did it, how and why, but there is a good reason. Unlike other TV detectives, like Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, or Inspector Morse1, Columbo has no assistant or sidekick, no Dr Watson.

In the Sherlock Holmes stories, the character of Dr Watson exists for one reason, so that Holmes has someone to explain the mystery to, so that the audience / reader can 'get it' and understand how the crime was perputated. Columbo has no partner, he works alone2.

Even if you missed the start of the episode, it is easy to know who did it, because;

  • They are a guest star, with rating pulling power
  • Columbo is constantly visiting & questioning them with his 'Just one more thing'

Columbo's Method

Many have suggested that Columbo's operating method is to simply annoy the chief suspect until they slip up and reveal themselves, but this is a fallacy. Instead, he seems to get a sense of who the criminal is, and then hounds them, all the time gathering evidence.

He always brings one hand up to his forehead, covering half of his
face, when he is thinking hard, or having a revelation.

He acts like the atypical bumbling policeman, is clumsy, makes mistakes and is always returning to the room to ask 'just one more thing.'

'Just One More Thing'

With that line, Columbo has been immortalised. His trademark dirty trench coat, old banger of a car (A 1959 Peugeot convertible, Model 403) and habit of smoking cigars are as much an icon as Sherlock Holmes' pipe and deer-stalker, or Poirot's moustance and cane. His appearance has caused many people to compare him to a tramp.

Each episode is a battle of intellect and wits: Columbo vs the murderer, and we always know who will win.

It appears that Columbo is pretending to bumble along, but even when the murderer is not present, he still acts in the same manner. He occasionally asks entirely unrelated questions, and slips the pertinent ones in as an afterthought.

Columbo works by trying to catch the suspect off guard, essentially to annoy them in conversation until they give away something, usually a small slip, that he uses to create a complex theory about how they pulled off the crime.

Despite the setting, Columbo seems to respect the criminal, the complexity of the crime. He seems to enjoy the realisation of how it was committed3. He operates on the principle that there is no such thing as the perfect murder, and that the murderer will always slip up, either during the crime or afterwards.

Columbo has a hawk eye for detail and can spot even very small items at the crime scene. In the past, he has resorted to trapping the bad guy, either leaving small peices of evidence that the murder picks up after the crime, or deliberately contradicting an event of the murder until the bad guy corrects him and proves himself to be guilty. Columbo's method always revolves around the idea that sooner or later, the murderer will give themselves away.

Columbo's Private Life

Very little is ever shown from Columbo's private life, but he talks a lot about it, particularly in conversation with the murderer. He is married4, but we never see Mrs Columbo5. Like Inspector Morse, we never know Columbo's first name6.

One of the few things in his life we have seen is his dog, a basset hound, whose expression matches Columbo's absentminded one. Like Columbo, we never know the dog's name. The dog likes ice cream, watching television and is often caught swimming in a neighbour's pool.

Columbo does seem to have an extended family, to which he is constantly referring in the crime-solving. He'll see a vase in the murderer's house and say 'Y'know, my little niece would love this - how much would something like this cost?' to which the bored murderer would casually say '$15,000'. Columbo would act surprised and confess he was about to offer the murderer $50.

Peter Falk

The character of Columbo has the distinction that, unlike other famous detectives shown on TV, he has only ever been played by one actor7.

Peter Falk himself helped to shape the character. When Levinson and Link suggested that Columbo needed a car, Falk resisted saying that the coat, cigar and haircut was enough of a gimmick, but they persuaded him to tour the Paramount car lot to see if anything caught his eye. After a fruitless search, he spotted the nose of his trademark car jutting out and said 'That's the one!'. The car at first did not run, mainly because the engine was missing.

Guest Stars

For a show as long running as Columbo, the list of guest stars is very long. They include; Leslie Neilsen, William Shatner, Dean Stockwell, Robert Vaughn, George Hamilton, Tim O'Connor, Leonard Nimoy, Martin Landau (as twins), Donald Pleasence, Dick Van Dyke, Janet Leigh, Ricardo Montalban (Khan in Star Trek), Dabney Coleman (Working 9-5), Faye Dunaway, Rip Torn (Z in MIB), George Wendt (Cheers)


Peter Falk's home in Los Angeles is a modern colonial affair. His sense of humour prevails however, as his mail box on the street is a scale model of the house itself.

He lives across the street from Arnold Schwarzenegger's gargantuan mansion.

In each episode there is the same piece of music, either as incidental background music, or more often Columbo is whistling or humming it to himself. The music is 'This old man came rolling home', an old children' song.

Only 504 1959 Peugeot convertible, Model 403s were produced in France, and Falk's production company owns two of them, one as a backup car.

Episode Guide

Pilots (1971/1972)8

P.1 Prescription: Murder

P.2 Ransom For A Dead Man

Season One (1971/1972)

Season Two (1972/1973)

Season Three (1973/1974)

1.1 Murder By The Book

1.2 Death Lends A Hand

1.3 Dead Weight

1.4 Suitable For Framing

1.5 Lady In Waiting

1.6 Short Fuse

1.7 Blueprint For Murder
2.1 Etude In Black

2.2 The Greenhouse Jungle

2.3 The Most Crucial Game

2.4 Dagger Of The Mind

2.5 Requiem For A Falling Star

2.6 A Stitch In Crime

2.7 The Most Dangerous Match

2.8 Double Shock
3.1 Lovely But Lethal

3.2 Any Old Port In A Storm

3.3 Candidate For Crime

3.4 Double Exposure

3.5 Publish Or Perish

3.6 Mind Over Mayhem

3.7 Swan Song

3.8 A Friend In Deed

Season Four (1974/1975)

Season Five (1975/1796)

Season Six (1976/1977)

4.1 An Exercise In Fatality

4.2 Negative Reaction

4.3 By Dawn's Early Light

4.4 Troubled Waters

4.5 Playback

4.6 A Deadly State Of Mind
5.1 Forgotten Lady

5.2 A Case Of Immunity

5.3 Identity Crisis

5.4 A Matter Of Honor

5.5 Now You See Him

5.6 Last Salute To The Commodore
6.1 Fade In To Murder

6.2 Old Fashioned Murder

6.3 The Bye Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case

Season Seven (1977/1978)

Season Eight (19899)

Season Nine (1989/1990)

7.1 Try And Catch Me

7.2 Murder Under Glass

7.3 Make Me A Perfect Murder

7.4 How To Dial A Murder

7.5 The Conspirators
8.1 Columbo Goes To The Guillotine

8.2 Murder, Smoke, And Shadows

8.3 Sex And The Married Detective

8.4 Grand Deceptions
9.1 Murder, A Self Portrait

9.2 Columbo Cries Wolf

9.3 Agenda For Murder

9.4 Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo

9.5 Uneasy Lies The Crown

9.6 Murder In Malibu

Season Ten (1990/1991)

Season Eleven (1993/1994)

Specials (1991/2003)

10.1 Columbo Goes To College

10.2 Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

10.3 Columbo And The Murder Of A Rock Star
11.1 It's All In The Game

11.2 Butterfly In Shades Of Gray

11.3 Undercover
S.1 Death Hits The Jackpot

S.2 No Time To Die

S.3 A Bird In The Hand ...

S.4 Strange Bedfellows

S.5 A Trace of Murder - 25th Anniversary

S.6 Ashes to Ashes

S.7 Murder With Too Many Notes

S.8 Columbo Likes the Nightlife
1The Morse comparison is apt, neither appears to have a first name (except that in the final epsiode of Inspector Morse we find out his name)2Besides, there's only room for one person in that car of his3Another catchphrase of his is 'That's marvellous' as it all clicks and he realised how it was done.4Fans of the series have deduced that, based on an anniversary that Columbo mentions, he was married for a little over a year when the series first started.5Does Mrs Columbo really exist? The arguement for is given in Mrs Columbo Revealed!6Although fans have pored over a fuzzy shot of Columbo's police ID7Unlike, for example Poirot or Sherlock Holmes8Strangely, there are two pilots9Season Eight was the first broadcast after an eleven year gap, and Columbo had now moved to the ABC television network

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