A Conversation for The Glory of Garlic

Roasted garlic!

Post 1

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Another way to enjoy garlic is to roast it in the oven. Roasted garlic is very mild, and is wonderful on crackers or bread.



I got a lovely terracotta garlic roaster for xmas, but you can roast garlic with, or without an 'official' roaster.

Find some large, plump garlic bulbs. Cut off the top half-inch or so, to expose the tops of the cloves, and peel off any loose skin, [but not so much that the bulb falls apart]. Put the bulb into your roaster or in a pan that will go in the oven. Pour a tablespoon or so of olive oil onto the top [optional]. Cover with roaster top, or lay tinfoil over the top of the bulb. Starting with a cold oven, roast for 50-60 minutes in a slow oven 325-350 degrees. Serve warm. Pull a clove off, and squeeze out onto crackers or lovely crusty bread. You can also squeeze it all out at once and mix it into a 'spread'. A little butter can be added.

Garlic is our friend. smiley - smiley


Roasted garlic!

Post 2


Thank you, blu for your scrummy contribution to this article. I will make some instantly and spread it on crackers to serve to any guests that may come by. On the other hand I might just make some and eat it all myself. Then I will have to make some more and .....

You say a slow oven, so I take it your oven setting is in Farenheit? I think it is about 160 - 180 Celsius.

Thanks again smiley - smiley

PS Is this a cow or a dragon? }:=8 ...and how come the features on mine end up so far apart and yours are much closer together?

PPS I'm sorry I took so long to reply. I have been sunning myself on Langkawi - a tropical island paradise off the coast of Malaysia.

Roasted garlic!

Post 3

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

So have you had any roasted garlic yet?
smiley - smiley
You are correct, the oven temp I gave you was Farenheit. Dunno how that translates to Celsius, but a slow-moderate oven should do it.





[or the reverse, if you want] but I like my ASCII dwaggie with curly horns. dunno why yours looks far apart to you, I type mine with no spaces between and they look the same in your posting as they do in mine. at least to me.

Im very jealous of your tropical island...

Roasted garlic!

Post 4


I realised that the symbol }smiley - smiley only looks far away when composing the message, but is OK when transferred to the page. My Mistake!!smiley - sadface

I have not actually roasted any garlic yet, but we are having friends around tomorrow and I have bought more garlic ready. I will serve it with the drinks as they arrive.smiley - smiley

We will drink a toast to bludragon's good idea.

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