A Conversation for Handy Spanish Phrases

Post Spanish Questions Here

Post 1

The Cheese

If you have any further questions not anwered in this article, you can post them here and I'll try to get back to you on them.

Post Spanish Questions Here

Post 2

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Are you interested in getting this in the edited guide? I'd like to be a scout, and I think I've gotta find something to put into the guide to be one, and I think I'd really like to get this into the guide. smiley - smiley
Suggestion: all the stuff you have on here is in the informal. If one is going to a spanish speaking land (or is just learning the lingo) shouldn't they learn the formal instead? It seems to me like it'd be a lot safer to show them the formal...

anne girl smiley - smiley

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