Party round at Santa's

2 Conversations

This is the Snug at Santa's house. There's a roaring fire. My friends at h2g2 came round earlier with decorations and lots of mistletoe. So we're having a party here, which will keep on going into the new millennium. So grab a drink and a mince pie or two and mingle. h2g2 Researchers are such nice, fun, people that this is bound to be a good party...

  • Office party games can work on the web too - check out the baby pictures page - why don't you join in too?
  • If you are in the Southern Hemisphere you might find it a little cool at Santa's house - Check out the beach - Why not have a Christmas picnic, take along some prawns and some chilled white wine, delicious...
  • Read about a traditional Dutch Christmas and then tell us about your countries' Christmas traditions here.
  • Check out some of the other Christmas and New Year Parties; Monsy's Party; Greebo's Crimbo party; The Forum & Firkin pub.

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