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Time to say hello

I have joined a dream. And have discovered, that, like all good dreams, it requires some effort and practice to make it worthwhile.

Well, this is my beginning.

I am a writer - a poet with a few odd ideas of how the world works, and quite a bit of proof to show that I could be right too! This (as soon as the research joins the story) will become my first real entry.

I am twenty-something, scatterbrained and still a child - fairly straight forward and usually honest (any dishonesty can be blamed on my brilliant memory). I have a love for music - I believe it is a reflection of all the heartbeats of our world and revel in its intensity.

I am quite self-centred, and my main goal for this year is learning to interact with the world around me. It is difficult, time-consuming, and I get it wrong more often than not - but it is worth it. Not too long from now, I will be a some one who knows people.

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