The Independent Clans

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

The Independent

The Independent clans are a diverse bunch; they do not hold together as a solid faction but are rather those clans who do not wish to become part of either the Camarilla or the Sabbat. This is usually because they see it as much more lucrative to sit on the fence and deal with both sides.

Most clans of the Independent faction understand and respect the need for the Masquerade; however, they often engage in other activities the Camarilla would find unsavoury.

Some Independent Clans are not classed as such by choice; they are shunned by both societies who will avoid them at all costs.

However, sometimes it is necessary to deal with those outside one’s own faction; the clans who dwell in no-man’s-land all have particular talents which are sometimes essential.

When dealing with the Independent Clans, always ask yourself….what do they want?

A woman wearing a bowler hat, silhouetted against a bright light.

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