The Sabbat

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

The Sabbat

The Sabbat has always existed as the bane of Camarilla existence, they believe the Masquerade is an unnecessary nuisance and that mortals are simply food, or ‘cattle’ for the consumption of higher life forms such as themselves.

All Sabbat adhere to a code of conduct called "The Code of Milan", which preaches loyalty to sect and packmates, and to one's own freedom within the sect, as long as one's own good is never placed above the good of the Sabbat itself.

In addition to a very firm "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality, the sect considers vampires to be a higher form of life than humanity, and is based upon the principles of Loyalty and Freedom. Loyalty to the sect and to one's comrades is one of the important aspects of the sect, and the Sabbat vampires maintain this loyalty through a ritual called Vaulderie, where strong emotional bonds are created between members of the Sabbat.

The Vaulderie is a ritual where all members of a given pack will give some blood which is then mixed in a chalice; the pack members will then drink some of the mixed concoction which will essentially bind them together through a blood-bond.

Sabbat packs are divided into two types, founded and nomadic. Founded packs usually stick to one place and do not move around much, instead making one location their base of operations. Nomadic packs, as their name implies, travel from area to area, helping to keep the Sabbat as a whole unified and vital.

The Power Structure

There is no solid power structure within the Sabbat, although a structure does exist so that the faction does not fall into complete chaos and ruin; however, unlike the Camarilla, the Sabbat hold to their hierarchy loosely and without much enthusiasm.

  • ARCHBISHOP – These are the ultimate leaders of the Sabbat, it’s believed they took titles with religious affiliations to mock the mortal church.
  • BISHOP – Act as the immediate henchmen of the Archbishops, they travel to do their masters bidding
  • DUCTUS – This is akin to the Prince of a City, but is often nothing more than a gang leader.
  • PREIST – Does the job of the Sheriff.
A black fist, in chains, in front of the Liverpool Docks

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