Of The Devil?

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I am a gadget freak. I have been since the day I was born. I have owned a computer of one kind or another since I was 10 years old (I'm 27 now). If anyone asked me to extol the virtues of computers, e-communications and consumer electronics in general, they would probably starve to death while I spend weeks wittering on in an almost evangelical fervour. I truly beleive that advances in technology will eventually benefit the entire planet in some meaningful way instead of benefitting mainly rich people and government types, like they do now.

A friend of mine who is both a cheesy hard rock fan and a dedicated luddite, recently introduced me to some ancient satanic prophecies, which are (approximately) :

* The devil's servants will become part of our lives both at work and at rest, poisoning our minds, driving us to despair and tempting us with forbidden taboo-type stuff (TV's, the internet and computers in general could most definitely be perceived in this way)

* These self-same servants which tempt us will bring misery and hardship to the good people of the Earth, while those in collusion with the devil will profit immeasurably. (The massive job losses caused by the introduction of computers into industry, commerce and government, not to mention the massive savings for majority shareholder-type blokes and blokesses - the idea that really rich people are in league with the devil is one I find strangely appealing. Can't think why)

* The devil's mark will be introduced to the world by his servants, and his mark will become prevalent on the Earth. Anything which is bought and sold upon the Earth will bear his mark (Barcodes. Think about it. They're everywhere now, aren't they?).

As well as being a gadget freak, I'm also one of Bill Hicks' optimistic atheists, but it makes you think, eh? I mean, a lot of the main things that warp our minds and 'turn us unto evil' at this time are the indirect product of advances in electronics and microelectronics and on the other side of the coin, people seem to beleive that god smiles particularly warmly upon a simple, pastoral existence. Let's face it, there's more scope for getting into mischief in my house or at work than there is on an Amish farm.

* Oh and there's the last one that my mate told me. The devil's servants will eventually gain control of the Earth to such an extent that they will be able bring about armageddon. The forces of good, weakened by the dark one's insidious centuries-long attack, will fall and the devil will take the world. Cheery stuff innit?

I still like my hardware, though.

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