Clan Assamite

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name - Assamite
  • Nickname – Assassins
  • Pronunciation – Ass – ah - mite
  • Faction - Independent
  • Disciplines – Quietus, Celerity and Fortitude

About the Clan

The independent Assamite clan has earned its nickname as the clan of Assassins. These fanatics hail from Middle Eastern lands, and they are renown for their skills in combat. Often hired as assassins, bodyguards, or scourges, the Assamites are held in widespread dread. Final Death seems to follow them everywhere they tread.

In nights past the Assamites were of such fanatical degree in their pursuit of assassinations and the subsequent Diablerization of their victims, that the Camarilla sect rose as one to defy them. A great Curse was placed on the clan's blood by the Tremere warlocks, rendering the Assamites incapable of consuming vampiric vitae. This Curse ensured the Assassins' place as useful, but relatively impotent, pawns. The clan obeys a sacred code of honor, and thus combined with the Curse the clan's members were often safely employed in a variety of duties, assassination the most common task assigned to them. One was never wise to invoke the clan's wrath, though. An Assamite angered is as lethal as a sunbath at high noon.

In recent nights the Assamite clan seems to be undergoing drastic changes. Their old codes of honor are often discarded, and the clan's members no longer need a sanctioned contract of assassination to end the unlives of a vampire. More disturbing rumors are told, that the clan has managed to break their blood Curse, and are once again on a crusade of Diablerie. If such rumors hold truth, the Assassins may pose a significant threat to the continued existence of the Camarilla sect, and the Tremere clan in particular. Vengeance holds a sacred position in Assamite ideology, and the clan has many reasons to avenge themselves on the Warlocks.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • QUIETUS (key – eh – tuss) – This is the ability to create a sphere of complete silence in the immediate vicinity around you.
  • CELERITY (sell - air - ity) - This is super-speed, basically you move at double the speed of humans for a set amount of time; if you shorten the time able to do it then you can move faster
  • FORTITUDE -This is basically being hard-as-nails; not only is it harder for you to actually get injured but when you are injured you’ll just ignore the pain and keep going.
A man practicing karate.

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