Clan Tzimisce

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name - Tzimisce
  • Nickname – Fiends
  • Pronunciation – Zur – meet - zee
  • Faction - Sabbat
  • Disciplines – Auspex, Vicissitude and Animalism

About the Clan

A millennia of defending their domains from all sides has made the Tzimisce extremely vicious, and Tzimisce cruelty is infamous, even among the Kindred. While they are inhuman, they do not show it as overtly as do the Lasombra, for instance, but any significant time spent with a Tzimisce will eventually reveal their demented and twisted soul. Most Tzimisce tend to be grim and serious, and are noted for their twisted and warped sense of humour (or a lack of one in some cases). They are also known for the high value they place on their privacy and are very territorial, about their domains and especially their havens.

If you described a Tzimisce as inhuman and sadistic, it would probably commend you for your perceptiveness on the inhumanity, and then demonstrate that your mortal definition of sadism was laughably inadequate. The Tzimisce have left the human condition behind gladly, and now focus on transcending the limitations of the vampiric state. At a casual glance or a brief conversation a Tzimisce appears to be one of the more pleasant vampires. Polite, intelligent and inquisitive they seem a stark contrast to the usual howling mobs of the Sabbat.

The Tzimisce is the second most powerful and numerous clan of the Sabbat. The Lasombra hold the top position in both categories. However, the Tzimisce are a driving force behind most of the Sabbat's ideology, goals and planning. The Tzimisce clan appears happy to let the Lasombra believe that the hold the reins of power in the sect.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • VICISSITUDE (viss – iss – ee – tude) – This is the power to change the genetic structure and appearance of yourself and those around you. Those skilled in Vicissitude are often inhumanly beautiful; those less skilled are just inhuman.
  • ANIMALISM - This is the ability to communicate with animals and make them obey you, the more powerful Kindred can even possess an animal for a very short amount of time.
  • AUSPEX (awe - specs) - This is heightened senses, also allows the user to see the aura of the person he or she is talking to.
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