Clan Toreador

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name - Toreador
  • Nickname – Degenerates, Artists
  • Pronunciation – Tore – ee – ah -door
  • Faction - Camarilla
  • Disciplines –Celerity, Auspex and Presence

About the Clan

The toreador are the most sophisticated of the clans. They are concerned with beauty in a way that no mortal can fathom. They use the rarefied senses and tastes given to them by the embrace to become as consumed and impassioned as possible. Ideally, to a toreador, nothing matters as much as beauty, though in many cases the search for beauty is overwhelmed by the search for pleasure, and the toreador becomes little more than a sensualist.

Like all true artists, they search for a truth beyond an existence they fear to be meaningless. It is that struggle for truth, and ultimately salvation; that has inspired them with what they consider to be their mission- protectors of the human race. They are truly in love with the vigour and passion of the mortals, and never tire of marvelling at their creations.

The clan as a whole considers its members conservationists; their protectorate consists of the world's greatest artists. They specifically seek out those whom they consider to be the most talented and grant them the boon of immortality, thus preserving their genius against the ravages of aging and death. However, the Toreador’s great clan weakness is that love for art, they can become so lost in their pursuit for beauty that they can do little else.

But it is precisely because they are such conveyors of art and beauty that they are so venerated with the Camarilla, they make excellent politicians and spokespeople.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • PRESENCE - Presence is the means to make others like you. With Presence on people will be more inclined to talk to you, trust you and obey you. It is not mind control, but rather a manipulation of emotions.
  • AUSPEX (awe - specs) - This is heightened senses, also allows the user to see the aura of the person he or she is talking to.
  • CELERITY(sell - air - ity) - This is super-speed, basically you move at double the speed of humans for a set amount of time; if you shorten the time able to do it then you can move faster.
A frightened boy.

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