Clan Gangrel
Created | Updated May 22, 2007
Vampire the Masquerade The Eternal Requiem |
Basic Information
- Name - Gangrel
- Nickname – Beasts, Outlanders
- Pronunciation – Gang – grel
- Faction - Camarilla
- Disciplines –Animalism, Fortitude, Celerity
About the Clan
The night-prowling Gangrel are feral vampires and possess disturbing tenancies and features. Rarely staying in one place, Gangrel are Nomadic wanderers, satisfied only when running alone under the night sky. Their founder is whispered to have been a barbarian, unlike the other progenitors, and for this reason, Gangrel often embrace outsiders.
While other clans have changed somewhat with the times, moving from castle to boardroom or from warrior-scholars to street rabble, the Gangrel have changed very little. Sometimes called "Outlanders" by other kindred, the "typical" Gangrel is a survivor. They need no company or assistance to make their way. They wander widely and are as much at home on the road, in the wilds, or in the city. They can be contemplative or aggressive, respectful of strength or disdainful of authority. With no complicated structure guiding their interactions with other Gangrel, they follow their instincts to keep their bestial nature from destroying their relationships with their clan mates.
The Gangrel have few advantages in kindred society, and cannot afford to introduce weaknesses into their blood. Gangrel always embrace for a reason, often watching the potential childe for months or years before gifting them with the embrace. When the time is right, the deed is done quickly and without explanation. The Gangrel sire is on the move even as they lick closed the wound from which their new childe has been fed. It's not uncommon for the childe to awaken alone, failing to even glimpse the fleeing vampire.
However, despite their nomadic and unsociable behaviour they are welcomed in the Camarilla, for perhaps no other reason than they fear them as enemies should they become Sabbat.
Clan Disciplines
A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.
- FORTITUDE – This is basically being hard-as-nails; not only is it harder for you to actually get injured but when you are injured you’ll just ignore the pain and keep going.
- ANIMALISM - This is the ability to communicate with animals and make them obey you, the more powerful Kindred can even possess an animal for a very short amount of time.
- CELERITY(sell - air - ity) - This is super-speed, basically you move at double the speed of humans for a set amount of time; if you shorten the time able to do it then you can move faster.