Talking Point: House Prices and Interest Rate rises

5 Conversations

Some estate agents' hoardings.

Houses. We all need to live in one, but buying our own bricks and mortar is becoming increasingly difficult.

House prices and interest rates seem to be ever escalating. It’s said the average price of a house in London will be over £400,000 by the end of the year. Interest rates have gone up five times in the UK since last August, taking the Bank of England base rate to 5.75%.

In the property section of the newspapers, a depressingly familiar cliché ridden story is that of the first time buyer trying to get a feeble grip on the bottom rung of the housing ladder only to find they are being squeezed out of the market.

Meanwhile, parents are finding little birds who had flown the nest are now creeping back again. Five of the Walton sextuplets from Liverpool (the first all female sextuplets, born in 1983) have now moved back in with Mum and Dad, saying it was too expensive to live away from home.

  • We've just briefly mentioned the situation in the UK. If you're not from the UK, what's the housing market like where you live?

  • Have you recently bought a house? Are you finding it much more expensive than renting?

  • Would you like to be a first time buyer but are worried you’ll be drawing your pension before taking out a mortgage?

  • Are you still living with your parents because you can’t afford to move out?

  • Are you renting, but resenting paying your landlord's mortgage off instead of your own?

  • Or are you one of the lucky ones who made lots of money from property?

  • Are you investing in property rather than a pension?

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