A Conversation for Bill Hicks guide to life

Bill Hicks

Post 1

Researcher 190398

I came across the Bill Hicks quote on the 26th Febuary 2002 - 8 years to the day after his death. A comedian shunned by the media for his controversial views on politics, war, religion and almost any other worthwhile topic around his voice is just as, if not even more so, relevant today as it was when he finally fell silent. How ironic that Bill always thought that "the good die young, while mediocre hacks thrive" - and this did indeed prove to be the case when, at 32 years old, he was cruelly snatched from our world by pancreatic cancer. We miss you Bill - lets just hope that one day I'll be asking you in heaven "Got a light buddy ?".

Bill Hicks

Post 2

Researcher 191540

I was a student bout 6 years ago, my totally disagreeable housemate worshipped Bill Hicks to the extent of using his material in conversation on a regular basis. Today I understand, picked up his biography and am now hooked, the man spoke with a passion which is compelling and oh so very funny. How come Dennis Leary made millions and became a movie star and Bill Hicks passed away virtually unheralded?

Bill Hicks

Post 3

Researcher 193426

Because he sells products to bovine america.

Bill Hicks

Post 4


What do you want Goatboy, you smell like an old boot!

Thanks whoever you are, for putting the "It's Just A Ride" speech, I have to work in a hellhole every day for ludicrous hours, I have H2G2 and narry a day goes by when I don't read it, to find a point to all this. Is there a point? Bill thought so, and Bill found one.
Another Dead Hero.

Bill Hicks

Post 5

Researcher 214430

How I miss Bill Hicks and how very relevant is his social commentary for the times we are living in today. I first really dicovered Bill's work early last year when I read his biography by Cynthia True. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It is the only book that has both made me cry with laughter and cry in sadness.

Peace, Gary

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