Anti aliasing

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Anti aliasing

Sorry for monosyllable only readers, I do not know a more common word for it. It has to do with the little squares you see sometimes in images, or the funny cartoon like voices you hear on the telephone. Anti aliasing is the technique to mask these squares.

Human perception is funny. Anyone familair with photographs, television and vanishing points in drawings will as soon as the image suggests there is depth see it. This is also the case in seeing shapes on a computer screen. Nobody cares about the 's' not being round but staircase shaped. However, in drawings we can make use of the anti aliasing technique to make curves more curved.

An S made of

single sized blocks

An S made of

blocks in two sizes

We need more colours

The previous example is not quite good, I will have to redo it using BGCOLOR. We need more colours. This is one of the disadvantages of anti aliasing. Trying to pump up the resolution we have to use the other domain. The colour depth in the big block 'S' is two, if we increase this to five it should be Ok.


made of

single colour blocks


made of

blocks in four colours

Bottom line: 'Whatever we do in digitising information, it is up to the human perception to interpretate it.'

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