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'Alchera of the Aranda'

'Tjukurpa of the Anangu'

'The Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals'

From the beginning are these people. Colonising Australia some 50 thousand years ago. Rafting from the indonesian archipel they migrated to the planes of the outback.

All life as is today has roots in the relations with the great spirit ancestors of the dreamtime. We live in three worlds the 'Physical world', the 'Human world' and the 'Sacred world'. The aboriginal people continue the dreaming as they live their spiritual lives. They live their ancesters lives in the sacred rituals, charging the power of the dreaming in todays life.

The time begins with the dreamtime of the creative ancestors.

In the beginning ancestral beings in the form of totemic animals and humans arise from the interior of the Earth and begin to wander over the land.

In their existance these ancestors created shaped and molded the environment by their everyday actions. Harmonising their environment by the music of their very existance. They live and play in harmony with the existance of all of their self.

In the end of the dreamtime the ancestors dreamed all the living plants and animals into existance and hardened their own beings into mountains valleys and other landscape distinctives.

The earth and all physical world belong to the dreamtime. We can make renewed relationships but we may not abuse it.

Singing the song of the walkabouts

The dreaming tracks of the ancestors are marked by the places where they harmonised with the earth. Following these songlines of their life we renew the kurunba singing the dynamic essence of every living tissue.

We make these walkabouts guided by singing the tales of the dreamtime each originating in landforms.

The ancestors continu dreaming the landscape into being, and the landscape shapes the moments and the people.

We are children of the earth

All reading these lines are children of the WEB. All living creatures are children of the earth. All life is related in this dream.

Instead of natives we can call ourself simply: persons.

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