A Conversation for Mornington Crescent

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Post 1


May I draw readers' attention to the very congenial MC sites at:

http://parslow.com/mornington - MC in Outer Space

http://madeira.physiol.ucl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/crescent/mornington.pl - MC not at York

http://www.dunx.org/cgi-bin/orange-mc - Orange MC

http://pantsmc.cream.org/ - Mr Wild Pants' MC

http://www.amazonsystems.co.uk/data/morn.htm - Java MC

There is also Mornington Nomic, whose address escapes me. I never play that one, because it has published rules, albeit rules that are made up as you go along.

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Post 2

F F Churchton

An unbeliever in the rules, burn the heratic!!!

*a bunch of tubemen ran over the hills with Pitchforks and Tarquins*

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