Evil Army Base

2 Conversations

Welcome, , to the evil base tour...

Before you stretches a huge army base that houses the evil army of H2G2. You can see from the entrance several doors that lead further into the base...

One of the doors leads to the barrecks where the soldiers of the Evil Army stay. These include L.A.R.D.W.A.R.R.I.A.R.S. and E.V.I.L.M.I.N.I.O.N.S.

This door leads to the airport. This is where the F.F.S.T.s are docked when not used.

A shipyardThis door leads to the dock. We actually don't have a navy yet.

The offices of the leaders are over here. The top leaders are Supreme Commander EvilClaw and Commande SuperMOO.

Our armory full of our secret acronym weapons is located thru this door.

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