Parallel Universes-The Fifth Dimension

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While it is generally known that the first four dimensions consist of length, width, depth and time, few beings can really appreciate the complexity (and relatively nausia inducing properties)of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions.

The fifth dimension is, of course, parallel existence. This is a widely accepted fact and no one disputes least no one worth mentioning.

The fifth dimension consists of the standard and diverse variants of our own universe, of which there are infinite. There is a theory in quantum physics which generally states that anything that can possibly happen, does in fact happen in these parallel universes. So, in theory, in a parallel universe, it is possible, and in fact highly probable, that a parallel version of you is curently picking their nose.

With an infinite number of possibilities opening with every nano second of time, a new set of infinite universes is created. Thus, at the end of time, there will be an infinite to the exponent of infinity number of parallel universes in existance, and quite possibly many more. It should be noted that infinity to the exponent of infinity is not a real number, and is only used by highly paid scientists when they don't know what they're talking about.

The mysteries of the fifth dimension have now been briefly touched upon-somewhat confusingly-and after reading this, you will be ready, although I'm sure somewhat reluctant, to explore the vastly more perplexing subjects of the sixth and seventh dimensions.

Explore the sixth dimension at A2266148

See entry A332065 for more information on the futility of fully understanding dimensions beyond the fourth.

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