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Cup-A-Soup is a marvelous invention. The staple of student diets around the country, it consists of soup in powdered form that can be made in a cup! Pure Genius!

Of course, Cup-A-Soup, as all things, contains issuse.

1) The Great Bachelors Cup-A-Soup v. supermarket own brand debate.

Basically this is a question of cost v. the amount of powdery sludge left at the end. Make up your own mind as to which is important for you!

2) What flavour

This is something personal to every person, and is much debated in the best debating halls up and down the country (to the best of my experience that is)

3) What to eat with the Cup-A-Soup?

This is down to on personal experience. Here's mine:

Good things:

Digestive biscuits (a marvelous bread substitute for any occasion!
And dunkable!)

Bad things:

Sultanas (go all fat and icky)
plain chocolate biscuits (the chocolate melts and tastes odd. Not
tried milk chocolate however...)
own brand cookies (but then again they just dont taste nice period).

Experiment and Enjoy!

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