Shadow Death Cloud

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The Death Cloud


  • superstructure: 24 kilometers folded, the diameter of the planet's thermosphere unfolded
  • cloud (including interspursed missile and defensive systems) 17,000 kilometers
  • Type:



    1 Shadow




    7,000 (Shadow Energy Dispursing armor)





  • 20,000 Missile Batteries: replicating magazines.
  • Brief explanation of the missiles

    Half of the missile tubes are on indipendant platforms, the half are on the superstructure. Each missile is equiped with a moleclear repulsor, which allows them to penetrate any shield or material without slowing down. The missiles' engines propel them at a speed of 99psl (percent of the speed of light). The warheads are heavy matter fusion bombs, which explode with the force 30 gigatons. They are set to explode inside the outer portion of a planet's core, or as close to the center of mass in an enemy ship as is possible. The effects of thousands of missiles penetrating into a planet and exploding outside of its inner core causes mass devestation and total de-population of the target planet

  • death cloud
  • Brief explanation of the cloud

    The death cloud is produced by the superstructure and the independant platforms. The cloud is consistant of an uncountable number of bio-nanites. After the explosion of the missiles has turned the planet inside out, the nanites consume all of the planet's surviving organic material and all of its useful non-organic material. After the planet is completely striped of resources, the nanites suck the heat out of the molten rock, leaving a cold, dead, and 100% useless boulder in space. This heat draining weapon is also quite effective against ships. It shut's down hyperspeed engines, jams comm to anywhere not within the cloud, and will kill the crew of most non-Class A or Superweapons within half an hour.

  • Moleclear Cutters: defensive
  • Quantom Bolt Launchers: defensive
  • Fighters:


    When a Shadow Death Cloud leaves a planet, that planet is left as little more than a cold dead boulder in space, all organic life, in any form having been devoured and with no chance of life ever springing up on that world again.

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